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We've enhanced the activation kit for HTML Executable, allowing you to manage multiple publications or e-books from a single interface and installation. The admin panel can be accessed from your web browser by navigating to the full URL to access the application + "/admin" (as defined in "Install Application Files On Server" e.g. https://www.mydomain.com/ebookactivation/admin).



Log in with your admin credentials defined previously. If you lost your password, you can reset it as explained here.


The dashboard is displayed:



You can then navigate through the various pages of the administration panel using the menu on the left:


The pages are designed to streamline your management tasks:


Software Page: here, you can manage the publications and e-books for which you'd like to enable online activation.


Clients Page: this section allows you to oversee all your users, ensuring you have a clear view of who's accessing your content.


Licenses Page: this is where you can grant licenses to users for your various software, publications and ebooks. Assigning licenses ensures your content is accessed by authorized individuals only.


PayPal Page: this page facilitates the creation of purchase buttons, pages or links where users can pay you via PayPal to obtain activation keys for your ebooks.


👉 To begin, you should start by adding a software / publication. This can be done using the Software page.