Create a record for the user and send them registration details


We added the following license for a user named "John Doe" and for our ebook named "My Demo Website":



We can email the user their registration details for our publication, for instance:


Thank you for your registration! You can now activate your registered edition. Please start the ebook, choose: "I have a registration key and I want to unlock the program". Click Continue. Then, enter your activation key:




and click Activate.


IMPORTANT: an active Internet connection is required. Please allow outgoing connections if you use a custom firewall. No other private personal information is sent to our server.




The end user John Doe who received our email starts our publication:



They click Continue and enter the registration key:



By clicking Activate, the program connects to your server and retrieves data as explained here. In our case, it worked fine:



Note that activation failures are generally not due to the activation kit itself: 

firewall or antispyware programs may block outgoing connections.

verify that your server is responding. 

verify that the user does not use a proxy, otherwise, they should configure it with the "Network Settings" button. 

We recommend you to enable the "Manual Activation" feature in HTML Executable.