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Choose Icon, Version Info and Code Sign Ebooks

Change the icon and version info of the .EXE - sign it with a code signing certificate

Custom Icon and Version Info

➡️ Choose the default icon for your digital publication .exe files: this icon (in standard “.ico” format) will be used to represent your publication in Windows Explorer. HTML Executable supports any icon size and color, including PNG compression! It will automatically replace the default icon in the executable’s resources section. Easily create icons with our GConvert icon software.

➡️ Ability to customize the version information of .exe files: display your own copyright text, file description and Web homepage in your executable files. End users will then always know how to reach you in case of problems or errors; just open the “Properties” window in Windows Explorer to display the version information of a file.


Code Signing Made Easy

➡️HTML Executable can digitally sign your ebooks with Microsoft Authenticode. You simply specify the certificate issued from your Certificate Authority, plug in the security dongle and that’s all: no need to use SignTool manually.

Code signing is highly recommended nowadays, because a digital signature is an additional security for your ebooks against unwanted external modifications; moreover end users know that these signed files come from the right publisher.

Learn more about how HTML Executable can sign HTML apps.

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